This is Keith Tarrier dot com
I am a multi-talented graphic artist, illustrator and photographer. Born and raised in Australia. I currently live in Tokyo, Japan, and spend a few months of the year back on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, in Queensland, Australia.
The world truly is a wonderplace and I hope you
take the time to enjoy what you have, and what is around you.
Graphic art, illustration and photography started out as hobbies of mine as a child. I enjoyed it, and I had many ideas I wanted to express via photos, artwork or video. As time progessed I kept getting feedback on my work, people liked it, some loved it and people wanted to even buy it!
Returning to Univeristy in 1998, for a break from work and career change, I started out studying business, ended up with a lot of graphic art and design subjects in my Double Degree with 2 minors.
I was very humbled when a member of one of my favorite bands, KISS, want to use my artwork on his CD cover. I produced the album artwork for Bruce Kulick's 2nd solo album 'Transformer'.
Since then I have worked as a graphic artist & photographer, published original children’s book and do transcribing for TV shows.
I have clients from literally all over the world. A few of the clients I have worked for are: KISS, (The Band), WWE, US Navy, US Army, Foriegner (Band), Sebastian Bach, Burrn Magazine, Sunshine Coast Daily, NY Times best selling Authors, Big Businesses, Small Business and independent people just like me... and so many more.
Below you will find links to some of my main websites and view examples of my work.
I hope you enjoy the ride
My wonderful stock photos from my home town, the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Australia. Photos availablke for a range of prices and needs. Nature, wildifle, birds, marine,places, attractions… and more!
Click on the image above to visit Tarrier Books and see all the wonderful books we have made. Adding more books every few months.
Over 18 years of professional design expereince. I have worked for clients big and small, from all over the world.
Click the image above to visit my design website. I am actually so busy working on grpahci designs that I don’t have a great deal of time to update it. The webstie will however give you an idea of some of the work I do.
From 2001 until 2005 I went to Saipan over 10 times. Here you can view photos of the marine life, the island. As well, a lot of photos of the historic WWII items and places.
Click on the image above to visit Saipan A Collection of Photos.
Between 2006 and 2012 I visited the pacific Island of Guam many times. Here is a collecotion of photos of the marine life, as well as the beautiful places on the island. I certianly hope to get back there again soon. It’s been too long.
Click on the image above to visit Guam A Collection of Photos.
I have been working on graphic art for rock stars and the music industry for over 20 years.
You can see some of the work I have done here for both big and small bands and musicians etc. From local bands to grammy winners.
Click on the image above to visit Rock & Roll Graphic Art & Design.
For nearly 2 decades I been photographing live bands in Tokyo. From KISS to Guns n Roses, Foreigner to Sons of Apollo, and bands big and small, international and local and Grammy winners. View these awesome live photos.
Click on the image above to visit Rock and Roll All Nite.